Our Services

What we Provide

Revenue Cycle Management

Our Services

The key to a secure future of clinical independence is a stable foundation of optimal cash flow. We focus on improving all components of the revenue cycle process.

Correspondence Follow up

The Insurance Follow-Up team involves other team members with requisite subject matter expertise for assistance in resolving denials and other complex matters.

Medical Coding

Our certified coding team reviews appropriate clinical documentation and assigns diagnoses, procedures, and relevant modifiers and enters these in the System.

Claims Transmission

Our systems are designed to meet all requirements set by HIPAA standards for electronic claims transmission & validation.

Patient Billing and Collection

Balances due from patients (including deductibles, co-insurance, non-covered charges, and true self-pay services) are summarized to billing statements and mailed to guarantors daily.

Payment Posting

Payment Posting team make sure all the remittance advices from clearinghouse sites or printed from client lockbox sites are posted electronically/manually into the system.

Charge Capture & Demo Entry

Clinical, demographic, and insurance information needed for billing from client’s electronic format integrated to our system to avoid human interventions and errors.
